the one to picture is our short fat labrador in first place in the race to get out of the way, after going to see what all the noise was about
one of our three is an escaped/abandoned hunting dog fortunately without an id chip so she stayed with us, i say fortunately as many hunting dogs...
from t-shirts at the weekend to rain all day. now at home and light snow and 2c, i feel alive.
oh i forgot,21c :heehee:
21c this afternoon at work and five degrees less on the mountain where i live, which by the way had 120 litres of rain by the time it had finished...
drink singular??? As for speaking English, there is only my wife to speak to and only some of the time as we also talk Catalan. i only know...
at the moment i'm running out of weeds to hoe in my borders, but at least my dogs are happy, walkies for two hours in the mountains instead of 45...
quite right too. i'm not really that thick. but as well as stupidity, there is also the exuberance felt at communicating with others in english...
you're quite right, and have you noticed the first three letters of her name. and have you read the thread about bunions ? been in pain for years...
I hope that it can keep it up for the rest of the year, for too much of the last couple of years the fronts have been pushed south into Valencia...
in which case i shall say no more and tranquilise my overactive imagination and forget that many women can be patient as can gardeners, and that...
it's all going mad. In the last two years hardly any rain, then we had snow on the 16th, rain last wednesday and now the rain hasn't stopped since...
i feel relieved that my name isn't Armandii. But how is it that i can't sit normally and keep changing position? Have i wandered accidentally into...
i find myself in agreement with the two of you. I haven't been a member long but i can tell that you are both not to be trusted, and anyway who...
errrm who exactly will be blamed ?:sad:
i've been reading this thread with interest as in my last job in England i worked a garden where the main planting was of ericaceous plants. As it...
hola Lorea, im also in northern Spain, the part without so much rain, and have both the common and tricolour salvias. I'll be cutting back my...
hola,i've been working over here since 99 and really miss gardening in england and tried a few times on google just to find a site where i could...
Separate names with a comma.