Pete yes I live in-between the Dee and the Mersey not far from the see about 20mins drive, but my garden is south facing and well protected thats...
Keving are you burying your bulbs deep enough, sqirrels only have little nuts to bury, bulbs usualy are buried 3x their size, and sometimes rot if...
I agree with newbiegreen, composts have to be sited in the sun to do their job.
Yes I've got a few, they are highly posionous I had to order my seeds from T&M you get 6 in a pack they look like spotty red kidney beans. This...
Mines a parasene super 4 and thats for a 6x6 greenhouse, �£20 B&Q, it's just enough to keep the temp above about 5c on a realy cold night. As...
Sorry don't know what that weed is, but it gwts rid of all the usual ones like dandilion exc.....
Mine stays out all winter if there is to be a frost I just throw fleece over it, it does better than the one in the house and gets more leaves on...
If it's the hardy garden one like a 'bluebird' they are deciduous, they have small leaves and it goes dormant this time of year and are slow to...
Fusias are deciduous, when the leaves drop off cut the stems back to a couple of inches and keep in greenhouse or just leave outside they should...
I potted any runners up in summer, then when they rooted cut them off from the parent plant. you could put them under cover for the winter if you...
I just leave mine in their pots and put them behind the shed for the winter, they come back in the spring they are very hardy.
I still have a line in my junge, doesn't look good with the washing on but hey this is reality! tumble dryer only gets used in winter on bad days.
Yes cos you move deciduous plants when the leaves have dropped off, so it could even be october.
Also have huge flower waiting to open on my magnolia grandiflora and five flowers about to open on ginger, other gingers have finished flowering...
Looking fantastic as usual, my phoenix roebelenii has got flowers opening on it and one of my yuccas has decided to flower bit late! but as long...
looked up the plant on google, they like shade and are grown for their foliage, can be green like yours or have silver markings.
I also like the Plants man, can't remember his name he's young got black hair and does'nt look like a gardener. [img] He's really enthusiastic...
I like Alan Titchmarsh but I also like Matt James (the city gardener)cos he loves his tropicals like me.
I have 2 ensete maurellii they stay outside till Oct, or first frost but we don't get many of them, then I chop off the leaves, put one in...
I have Bishop of Llandaff dahlias and they have been in garden for around 6 yrs, never dig them up and they get bigger and better every year!
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