I purchased and planted an Orange Rose called Joro from Poundstretcher some 8 years ago, cost £1.99. I have had so many people admire the orange...
What has happened to Gents good quality finished socks?. I have noticed for some years now the finished quality on gents socks has deteriorated...
:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:. WINNING 3-1 WITH 2 MINUTES TO FULL TIME :hapfeet::hapfeet::hapfeet::hapfeet::hapfeet::hapfeet::hapfeet::hapfeet:.
Our Power supply company send in their statements of what we have used and forecast what we will use in the future year and adjust our Direct...
Last Year I was given a gift of two Celosia Venezuela's in large decorative pots. They were lovely plants with tall purple plumes, I thought they...
I don't know what the situations are in your part of the country with Austerity Cuts. The latest thing,out of the blue with no warning,in my part...
Mrs M said to me today,'I was overdoing it'. Not the sex n drugs n Rock n Roll, Folks ,;), I was overdoing the Showering.I shower and wash my...
I was shopping with my wife through in Glasgow,she was shopping I was walking behind carrying the Visa card. After shopping we decided to visit...
A man was laying an electric cable from the house to an outhouse so he could see in the back garden and shed when it was dark. As he was digging...
On the Radio this morning.A Teacher giving religious instruction in a class, was telling the story of 'The Three Wise Men' visiting Jesus's...
I got my Bank Statement in yesterday, normally I give it a quick glance over but yesterday I had a good check over each item. Fortunately I...
Most household light bulbs we purchase now are garbage,they last no time at all. I don't know how many light bulbs we go through in our...
I got an Endoscopy 2 weeks ago,I had been waiting for about 6 weeks to have this small operation,and it was the longest 6 weeks in my life. I tend...
We purchased a new bed which was delivered yesterday. I dumped the old bed next to the hut,then phoned the local council for a special uplift. The...
Sorry folks I have not been on line for some time now,but due to illnesses I could not manage. Hopefully soon I will be among the living again....
The wife and I look after our youngest Granddaughter aged 2-3 years, while her mother is out working. My Granddaughter is always...
I had a fitted mirrored 5 sliding door wardrobe installed to keep clothes,shoes,coats etc etc nice and neat in the one area,it looks and does the...
(Does your chewing gum lose it's flavour on the bedpost overnight ?). Lonnie Donegan.(Do You Think I'm Sexy ?). Rod Stewart.(How Much Is That...
Anyone into Yoga ?. I got a book from the Library about Yoga as I am thinking of starting it. What are the benefits ?. When is the best time of...
I was out for a run yesterday on my cycle. As I was cycling around the Park,(designated area for cycling), I noticed an elderly lady with a dog...
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