Still loads of time yet @fairygirl as your location is probably a couple of weeks behind us in the south! Mine have only really got going in the...
That is beautiful @Ezzie I think that will be going on my list of new dahlias for next year!
I really loved seeing photos of everyone’s dahlias on the previous forum. It gave me me some great ideas for future purchases, so please post...
Hi @DaifraeFife I’ve got 4 clematis growing in pots on my patio and all are doing really well. I took advice from a clematis nursery, they said...
Here are my Red Velour plants that I grew from seed which I collected from plants last year.There was some worry that as they are F1 hybrid...
Not sure what type of bumblebee this is but it looked beautiful on my dahlia. If anyone knows which one it is please let me know as I report...
Dahlia Cornel Brons, my favourite … at the moment! [ATTACH]Dahlia Wizard of Oz [ATTACH]Rose Desdemona having it’s second flush [ATTACH]...
Lovely to see so many bees in the garden yesterday and today, everything’s happier with a bit of sun![ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Everything is soaking wet in the garden today, it has rained non stop but went out with my hood up and took some photos of the dahlias, which are...
I love your pond @fairygirl I always think that when I see your photos of the birds and their ablutions, it’s perfect for them :smile:
Some of my dahlias are flowering but others seem quite slow to get going. The first dahlia I ever bought was Jill, at that time knowing very...
Sadly, the one swallow chick in our nest died just before fledging. I’ve no idea why, it was developing so well. We went away for two days and...
[ATTACH] Your display looks fantastic @Ben Cotto and you were correct in your reply to my previous post ... my red velour that I grew from seed...
Hi we’ve bought 2 benches from this company and are really happy with them. You don’t have to assemble them as they’re delivered fully made. At...
What remarkable progress our swallow chick has made in 10 days, none of the other eggs hatched sadly. Day 1 [ATTACH] Day 5 [ATTACH] Day 10...
[ATTACH] I counted 14 long tailed tits on the feeder this morning, some adults and some young. I don't know whether it's been a good year for...
Wow what a fantastic visitor to your garden @cactus_girl what is the buzzard eating?
It’s not looking like it’s going to be a good year for swallows here. The first chick from the 5 eggs hatched on Thursday but none of the other...
I took these pictures this morning before the wind and rain arrived as I'm sure everything will look battered and bedraggled by tomorrow! The...
My new Geranium pratense Splish Splash has started flowering. Apparently each flower is coloured differently and so far this seems to be the...
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