Spring came early round your way, I see.
Just fix the seed trays upside-down. Or: Remove the floor of the cupboard and the ceiling below it and make a new cupboard floor extending a...
Surely you're not 98?
Battens work. Or if the fence supports are your side you could drill holes parallel to the fence through the supports and thread nylon string...
Cheeky. My Mum had a rhododenron - with huge mauve blooms. One summer - I must have been about eight, my Mum asked me to water it. She'd...
Just build a pot stand. Leave the fluorescent tube on the floor, and the plants could be above it growing downwards.
OK. You've got two things together which is fair enough. First the claim for physical damage. He can choose to arrange the repair of the wall...
Reasonable about assessing physically what property was damaged, yes. Resonable is giving a choice. The council apparently caused physical harm,...
Jealous of your Monty evening. On Rhodos. Since I was baby, I had to endure walking past a long row of pensioners' maisonettes where the...
Well I wish you luck. They might try another tack: half-answer you or answer you but vaguely. If you reply it's important to refer them back to...
Rhododendrons never look right. Horrible, smelly plants. Are you working on your tan already?
Oooh - great! I love it when they do that. Perhaps you know this: The law says: ''a public authority must comply with section 1 (requests for...
Hello and hope you like it here, I've not been long in our new house either. I'm a beginner gardener and we had a babba too so I wish you luck....
My house is new too, plonked on a field and like yours compacted in places and prone to waterlogging. This is what I did. I wanted to know more...
I thought you had paths.
It helps to drill a hole up through the middle. That's some sawing you did then on the totem pole! And the fairy seat sounds like it's going to...
I suppose you've got other places to sit if you want to tan! If I had a little shadey nook like that I'd be tempted to hang a piece of glass in a...
Two each? Was it worth making the mixture? As for reading while you eat pancakes? When? There's no time. Stuffing them down till you can't fit...
That looks great. Do you get much sunshine in there?
Separate names with a comma.