Mowgley you are the new sheriff in town , your garden look great , my cannas have not give me any flowers yet as they are still in pots and had to...
Guys for who is missing the offer this are some of the plants I`ve grabbed today .... more to come also a wide range of oleanders and other...
Thank you Jenny , kind as always ;) ... i did lost many nice plants , but I will manage to rebuild my collection , it`s just the stress that you...
Long story made short , 2 months ago I sold my house to a cash buyer , she wanted me out in 2 weeks , so i was working like a mad to finish at...
From Cambridge botanical garden [IMG]
Guys still here and can`t wait to find 2 hours for making at least my cannas border in my new garden ..... will post asap ;)
Anyone any luck ? B&M doesn`t watering plants and usually they die very quick .....
Hi All , I was shocked to see brugmansias at B&M today there are available in White . yellow and Pink along with some Tibouchina (still can`t...
Lol , Mogwley that`s a Shefflera arboricola , no frost resistend but will tollerate -4c , overall seen many of them all over London ..... I would...
wow thank you all , I hope to be able to see you lot at Shiney land Can wait to finish the house so I can enjoy litte bit of my garden Al n ,...
should I try to propagate and have one of your red version? ;) as far as you know do you recon will they produce seeds ?
the sadness to still see my garden empty while it should be green and lush [IMG] [IMG] cleaning the garden I even found 5 kitten [IMG]...
will have to do my best , I`m actually scared of what I`m doing this is the house how it look today and will have to move in at the end of May...
Thank you M ;) , really busy with the house , but need a bit of break from the hard work .... when is it Shiney land ?
Longk , I`m gone build a greenhouse just for them ;)
For who know me I don`t need to introduce myself , been learning a lot on this forum and would love to say thanks to you all , after fighting cold...
Hi Peters , I meet Alan thanks to Wayne and then been luck enough to have some seeds from a friend , I do have about 20 new variety of (coldy)...
Last year I went to New Zealand on Holiday and while i was there I`ve been collecting seeds and seedling remembering of Longk asked me to find him...
Hi all has none of you missed me ;)? I`ve been very busy by moving my garden around , and got punished by the last frost this is the suaveolens...
I`ve been so busy that start to miss al the flower in the greenhouse :sad:
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