Aralia spinosa
Sirius do you want seeds of parritae? ad the moment I`m growing an hybrid of it , less delicate , the only parritae seedling I`ve managed to...
Thank you Sirius and LongK , the Hybrid is not mine , I will be able to show one on my hybrid in few years time . Sirius the caerulea Hybrid are...
Thank you Sirius , already working on hardy hybrid to grow outdoor :) [IMG] at the moment i`ve got about 12 variety that can grow outdoor ,...
Amazing you are a fine craftman , where do you even manage to get them stones , I was looking for some everywhere
[IMG] Yes it`s an hybrid and really pretty when grow up , but not as hardy as many peoples makes us to belive , I would say it`s on the same...
Bilbo I had 2 of those and really loved them , but it`s not the cold the problem but the rain , they didn`t even made the first year out , dry...
Pete my one has been left outside this winter , the greenhouse was completely full , no damage at all ,overall the plant I`ve got is nothing more...
Yes JWK , so far 5 out of 7 are out , thank you ;)
Back in business guys ;) [IMG]
and yes Alice its very good as well
Freddy even Urban jungle sell really healty plants , avoid rizhomas from shops as they can be infected Urban jungle are really proud of them virus...
Chipped mine , I`m back in the game ;)
try that first , the taste it`s really sharp very ornamental as well
It`s an italian variety , really hardy , coming from the alps , if you see it at the market just buy the salad and you can simple rooting the...
I did long time ago , really easy from seeds , they flower after 2 years and the plant look indestructible.......... nothing special to do really
not that will be interesting as we don`t have all this snow
this system is just to stop seeds to rot , it work with any seeds really , same as the bag system , why don`t you use the cotton bag system to...
Wardy this is what I do with acid lover seeds , plastic container , (don`t let your miss know about) , perlite , put the seeds (after 24 hours...
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