yes it can be pruned but not now , wait for summer .... what ever you cut can used to make new plants
90% ... Cylindropuntia subulata very common in the mediterranian area , it could may be an american form ....the flower will tell you
the perlite can vary from £4 up to £13 for the same bag , all dipend where you get it from , why the perlite ? many seeds need hot and wet to...
Wardy , one of the best advice about chilenian plants it`s the soil , they need acid soil to trive and the chilenian guava look like one of them...
Lorea do you know the variety ? Strongylodon , I think it`s more about the rain that the cold , also i`ve noticed that the same plants grown...
i`ve seen it at the garden center all the suppose hardy echeveria are all turned in mush , really looking forward to try the alpina outdoor
Please Lorea , I`m really curious , has we always under estimate that in a protect part they can be happy outdoor
Very Kind but I don`t want to take advantage of peoples , I don`t have much that I can send you back
JWK where did you get your altensteinii from , 4 years ago I got them from jungle seeds and I had 1 out of 10 germinate , wich the plant was...
Oh yes actually I was sending you seeds that collected in New Zealand , I thing it was brasilensis , left mine outside let me see how they do ;)
Longk I`ve order 100 seeds , so finger cross will receive them asap other interesting variety are the giant variety and the hybrid ... do you want...
Echeveria??? Longk shame on you :) I start to like them as well and try to start a small collection of hardy and strange I`ve just ordered...
Oh my god , Longk is growing cannas as well ??????? no that`s not true
I promise myself not to ever buy any rizhomas again and today I saw this I was thinking of how hard has been to find mine in the past and now sold...
Longk how long did it take to germinate , got mine in the heated propagator since the first week in January but no sign yet , fresh seeds...
I think this is just to target the new young generation that will get drunk at home, then going out and don`t spend a penny all night ....... I...
Jane unfortunatly this is the misfortune of peoples who own the house .... my friend had the same problem with the difference that his house...
i was reading that can take up to 3 months to germinate
I`ve been try for years to attract frogs and toads , the only time I saw a frog in my garden was in my cat mouth :(
ps thank you for that ... time ago i wrote on a comment about the thickness of some woods for a greenhouse ......I wrote.... I got a 6" by 2" and...
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