Thank you LongK , but unless I got a giant greenhouse with all the light and heat , no way I`m even start to look at plant like that , sometime...
As much as they are small , will worth the winter growing
@JackJJW If I don`t buy from my local TKmaxx I usually try on gumtree , facebook freegroup, and sometime even on ebay , most of the ugly Pot I...
Sure no one of them i buy at tk maxx ;)
@pete I was just looking at leucadendron comosum [IMG] not one of the best looking but apparently the hardy of all suppose to resist zone 7...
ps as you made me laugh , today I got 2 of them ;) , but 2 for £10 it`s good to me [IMG]
;) so you have been there then ;) .......unfortunatly I got a deal with my miss , no nice pot no plants in the house ;) Yes I`ve got lots of...
I get mine from TK MAXX and Homesence
Pam I meant to write Val ;) , sorry ..... all the prep and the undercoat , it`s something that will payback with the time , undercoated doors are...
@val , as you paint on MDF don`t use waterbase primer but buy syntetic primer , if you look on the tin check where to clean the brush will tell...
Lol , all ikea furnitures are made like that , that`s what peoples those days don`t get , it look good but isn`t good ..... if you gone do it...
LongK yes there is way too much and let`s not forget that usually SA plants are really slow too grow so it will be a slow process at the moment...
@Richard360 You can start at the end of January , keep it indoor , plus as you may know will take 2 years before you see any flowers , I use...
Are you sure ;) ...there are many interesting seeds and many are classified as hard to zone 7 I will post few of the plants I`m looking for
Hi all , it`s the time of the year where we start to get fresh seeds for the season coming I was looking at Silverhill seeds , the are an...
2 options 1 can be mould (not good) will eventually get the plant 2 it can be moss that dry and turn white (normal) ps i keep mine outdoor...
:( ....ohh noo why you doing that to me??????? more plants to add at my wanted list , noooooooooooooo :)
Yes the Philesia magellanica it`s close relate to lapageria and when i look at them i do understand why they are so complicate to grow , the just...
Pete , unfortunatly there are restrictions in some areas , as I moved from my old address where i live now it`s forbidden to stick the good old...
Mowgley up to 2009 I always left mine in the soil , untill that horrible 2010 winter who kill them all , I`ve left few outside as well this year...
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