I don`t have a picture yet but I`ve tryed my luck , left the rizhomas in the bags and put them in a dark place ... I checked them today and they...
Longk finger cross for the seeds I really hope so ..... no ...mine are not growing in a heated greehouse as the plant can hold -5c , and to be a...
Long just found some seeds of Moraea pritzeliana how long do you rekon and how fresh they should be ? [IMG]
ps out of curiosity , I didn`t want to drive there so I went to the train station and ask how much would have cost me the train ticket as I had...
Not sure but last time was residential only ..I`m may wrong , but it was impossible to park anyway , all the resident have the car there ...may...
Pete that was long long ,.....long time ago , now is all residential parking only and always impossible to find a parking anyway ;) .... I tell...
Pete . there is a parking on the Brendford gate , but you must go early as the parking get full very quick , it will cost you around 6/7 pound for...
For about 2 Months I was trying to buy a Van , with no much luck no because I couldn`t find one but simple because was full a scammer been through...
Jane , I`ve got a supplier from Peterbourough who will only charge me the petrol money for the delivery , but check on ebay or gumtree , is full...
Pete for us it`s all simple , orbital sanding and biscuit , I even use dominos at work ;) , but for someone who`s not skilled , I think the best...
An 18 mm birch ply would cost you around £50 if you are a tradesman while the scaffolding board at a minimum of 38 mm thick should cost around £40...
JWK , Birch ply it`s really expencive and you need a professional sprayer to have that look , I use loads at work and my boss will not allow...
Guys the secret it`s really , I mean really, easy , they are acid plants as simple as this , feeding with azalea liquid feeding , always watering...
PeterS I had to travel about 6 hours to get them because the guys would not send then as they will die , rule number one do never and never touch...
Longk , back in September I went to Kew , in their nursery and every greehouse had a different habitat , many plants coming from the andes rain...
I would have suggest to organise a trip over there as i need few plants as well , but you know , Colombian andes and cocaine traffic go togheter...
unfortunatly the only way to get a plant it`s by seeds ...end of story .... no division , no cutting , no other way of propagation , that`s the...
Longk , I travelled 3 hours to get the plants , for the simple reason that I wanted to know any secret about them , actually there is a secret...
And after a long long search , finally my plants are flowering ;) [IMG] the white [IMG] and the pink just lost al flower with no fruit...
Hi Charlie , if you don`t cut them down your plant will be fine
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