Hi - I have a viburnum that I planted last spring - just over a year ago. It was about 2ft tall. It has put out new growth, but within a few...
Hi - I planted a viburnum rhyditophyllum in March last year and soon after many of the leaves turned yellow and dropped off. I thought it would...
Thank you everyone. Kristen you have it exactly right. It is hard for me to get a granular feed around the plants. Because they were very large...
Hi again, one of the large shrubs (6ft tall) I had planted last year was a variegated holly (yellow and green) the new growth of which seemed to...
Hi - A year ago I planted a very large border of new trees and shrubs. (To hide the monstrosity that was built behind me). They are planted under...
Thanks everyone - Kathy, I have tried most avenues, the fact that my neighbour is the vice chair of planning and got permission through on the nod...
Sussex Gardner - I cut both sides of the hedge - or get them cut - and the top twice a year - as aI said they don't abut any garden as he has...
I have four very old sycamores and and ash in the garden - huge trees - have I let ivy run riot on two of them and I like it. The birds nest in...
Thanks everyone - I will give them another feed. I keep the trees well trimmed to 12ft to avoid any unpleasantness. I don't let them get out of...
I have a fairly old (20 years old) leylandii hedge at the bottom of my garden about 12ft tall. Two years ago my local Councillor got permission...
Thank you everyone - I can sleep easy tonight:) !!!!
Can anyone tell me if I have been very silly in applying fertilizer and if so what the consequences might be. A year ago I had some very large...
Hi Pro Guard - I am loath to dig the trees up as they have been in the ground since March and will have put down roots by now. Do you think an...
Thanks John here are the imageshttp://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u34/duhwhoisthis/IMG_0641.jpg...
Hi - I have taken photos of tree and roots but don't know how to upload them - can anyone give some advice about this.ThanksAnn
Thanks everyone :D All but the birches were container grown - the birches were rootballed. I had someone plant the trees for me as they were a...
Will take a photo tomorrow. I was told that membrane would help retain moisture in the soil - I have quite light sandy soil and the area I...
I planted a number of large trees last spring - conifers - birch and some large shrubs. I covered the ground with a semi-permeable membrane and...
Hi - not sure if I am posting in the right section for this but:I have several different bamboos in my garden - soil is alkaline and slightly...
Hi again - and thanks for getting back to me. I thought trees should be staked for about a year to help the roots get a grip. I was going to...
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