well done Pal, methinks a wee bit too much info though! your daughter has more tours than me, i managed to miss 2 wars holding up the home front...
congats, all i got was the one for undetected crime 15 yrs service
I have the fortune of having attended both Scotland vs England in football and rugby, in the football we were segregated, tiny amount of english...
we already have sunflowers growing, the dahlias are for me, i might try some coleous (or cold tea plants as we called them-coz mum fed them cold...
just to play devils advocate:you never had the world cup or won it!it was actually the jules rimet trophy that you won, and after...
gingernutsman, where about in EA are you, too many bridges to guess, don't envy you having all that work
oh ok change of word to:daisy
welcome to the jungle-guns n rosesjungle rock-ruby flippernext:omelette (wife picked it!)
wonderful world-louis armstrongwar of the worlds - jeff wayne oopsMad world- tears for fearsnext one:camera
Always wanted to try and grow dahlias (preferably the globe ones), does anyone have a few seeds going spare please.Any other flowers I should...
Steve,love your shots,your humourous cumbria shot doesn't look sharp to me (well the signs ain't), could be my eyes or my screen or both,...
Andi,welcome from me also, hope GUZZ isn't as depressing as it was when I tried to stay as far away as poss.Alasdair
Kathy, they closed the last mill in Darvel the back end of last year and moved the loom to the last remaining mill in Newmilns. Morton,Young &...
well folks, havent posted for ages as i had been bought a used gh for my birthday and the weather has been awful, then along comes another freebie...
"what is a SAHM"?stay at home motherAlasdair
thanks for all the suggestions, will try and find a name on it, then get images of someone elses so i know what it should look like.all the nuts...
thanks david and john for your sound advice.i will have to sort out the site first, remove drying poles and level off etc first.will keep you...
Hi Helen,takes a lot to offend me. Call me whatever, been called worse.As a Scot I am one of a dying breed, I don't drink and i hated whisky...
yes aluminium, sorry no i haven't looked closely yet, will probably look in the coming days and let you knowAlasdair
Thanks dee.I might just change my name to some sense of normality.Alasdair
Separate names with a comma.