First summer for many many years, even in Cumbria, that I have not had to water tubs just about every day. Ground still saturated despite a good...
No, the crowns aren't showing! Thank you - I'll put that right!
The new flowerbed I made last year is flourishing despite the best efforts of the rabbits and one of two plants lost over the winter, surpising...
Now that we seem to have a lull in the fierce and genuinely fearsome winds (even for here - I was really scared that the - metal braced - roof of...
What most people think of as geraniums (red, pink, white, go in window boxes etc, definitely not hardy) are actually pelargoniums. True geraniums...
I've had lovely pots in the past with the method as described by Spruce. Haven't done it since we moved, a mere eight years ago!
Lavatera; weigela; bergenia. I'm sure there are others but I have blanked them out!
Where do you live, gcc3663? My monarda will have to cope with temperatures down to -10 but unlikely to be lower for long if at all, and maybe...
And don't forget phlox paniculata, penstemons, dianthus (pinks) and scabious!
Well, I never realised that I should be bringing my rosemary in over the winter!! I've been growing it in pots outside for nine years now and the...
You may remember my tale of woe and rabbits a couple of weeks ago. Well, I've just completed a painstaking hand weed of my new big flower bed,...
I took some cuttings yesterday - they're in propagators on a sunny window sill. Last year I had bought zillions of pelargoniums as plug plants,...
When we made our big raised beds a few years ago we bought in a lorry load of topsoil, which is great soil, free of stones and apparently weeds....
I think you're looking at bare root roses. Container grown roses can be supplied all year round. Country Garden Roses and Name Your Own Rose in...
Heucheras, especially the ones with the purple or bronze foliage, also look good through the winter. Hellebores flower very early (helleborus...
There's been more good advice here than in any gardening book, with the exception of the excellent 'Garden Plants for Scotland' which gives a list...
And Harry - even the Bernese could catch that one!
Thank you all once again. I've recovered my equilibrium now, and, quite coincidentally, we've got the excellent rabbiting dogs staying with us...
The trouble is, I really like rabbits as little furry creatures! I can't eat them, but I don't mind sending my daughter's lurcher after them!
...well, in fact I did. Just come back from a long weekend in the Scottish Borders; tour of inspection of the garden reveals that the rabbits...
Separate names with a comma.