Good going Pixie and Clueless! Enjoy your gardens.
I'll try to remember to collect some seed - I've got several named varieties of phlox and you're welcome to seed from them. And a seed/plant...
Yes, excellent info! Thanks, Dai.
The leaves don't look like perennial phlox. If you grew them from seed this year I would think they must be annuals; perennials would't look so...
I've got several big, tall, healthy clumps of lupins, white and pink. A couple of weeks ago I cut a few spikes for in the house. They looked...
Pretty sure. It wasn't flowering last year, we're very high and exposed and had extended periods of snow and frost. Surprising things succumbed...
Thanks to everyone for all this excellent information! I'll leave the lovely flowers, then (don't grow coriander and the hard winter took the...
I have grown herbs sporadically for a number of years and never quite know if I should be removing the flowers or not. I seem to remember advice...
The orchids on the roadside verges round us are fantastic this year. In fact it's a fantastic year for wild flowers of all species, but I've never...
I agree with Fidgetsmum and Peter. On the whole the areas where we don't have a membrane are less of a problem than those where we do. I pull...
Thanks, Andy, that's what I'll do. Thanks, Dai - for some unaccountable reason vinca doesn't like it here, ceanothus doesn't last long (too...
As one result of a long chain of consequences of our having a new flowerbed dug, we now have a 90 foot long steep bank about 5feet high running...
Thank you all - I see you are right! I've grown geranium sanguineum before, but it has never attained the proportions that this one does:...
I grew this geranium from seed, I think (grew such a lot that year I'm not sure what survived and what didn't!). From my notes it should be...
Number 2/3 looks like wisteria to me, too.
I like Drumlanrig Castle and gardens, though I think they are at their best in spring. They have disabled facilities so presumably are wheelchair...
We don't have a pet rabbit, just whole families of wild ones! The only preparation I've found that works is something called Grazers. It seems...
And you would be amazed where rabbits can get to! The only effective thing I've found against rabbits (apart from a complete physical barrier) is...
Back to the sweet peas: they look absolutely fine!
That doesn't sound right to me. Sweet peas in my area (north Cumbria) are in the main nowhere near flowering yet, so don't worry too much, but I...
Separate names with a comma.