I was reading up on Goji berries a while ago because we bought a few different types of soft fruit bushes cheap from Aldi, and is it true they go...
Piccys resized - didnt realise they were that big :oopss:
heres the current piccys - taken this morning , was a bit foggy but you can get a feel of whats going on [IMG] [IMG]
Thanks alot everyone we will keep you informed. I do sometimes feel its going nowhere and epic, but then sit down with a cuppa and realise when...
we had some quince jelly with cheese in Cuba - think it was mortadella (sp) - might have a go at making that with them
We have just used ebay to buy 50 beech plants for a hedge between the patio and the grass area to make it more private, then at the bottom of the...
[IMG] weve been told these are Quince - they look like Quince but they are round like and apple rather than pear shaped
Here we go with the piccys General site plan (its an old piccy now as the pond has gone ) [IMG] [IMG] The filled in pond [IMG] [IMG]
I will if the hubby can find some piccy's when he gets up we have a design in mind, we're looking at a veg patch for veg and soft fruit but with...
We have just planted the first thing into our garden and that is 37 bare root beech bushes so fingers crossed all will be well. We payed less for...
I have a feeling we will be needing alot of advice. Me, my husband and the cat moved into our 1918 house in March, all summer we have been...
Thanks I'm trying to find my way around the forum, me and my husband are members on mg rover forum simular layout
A bit of info about me. I'm new to the site, I enjoy gardening only ever had a small garden that comes with new build houses, in March me, my...
Separate names with a comma.