I planted a few French Beans this year in a pot and one of the bean plants is growing ginormous, probably about four times the size of the other...
All of the three pots are in the same area, south facing and sheltered.
I purchased three Choisya Ternata Mexican Orange Blossom plants last year and they are thriving in pots. However, only two of the plants have...
Sorry for the mix up. The plants are Choisya Ternata Mexican Orange Blossom.
I purchased three choisya plants back in the summer and potted them they are now thriving. Hope to plant them in the ground during March. Because...
Looking for advice regarding my runner beans. This year I tried the White Lady variety and there seems an awful lot of shoots growing from the...
Thanks. Choisya does seem the ideal plant. I remember the smell of these plants from the past and it is lovely. Would September also be the best...
Thank you. It looks like the spot that I have chosen for planting the hydrangeas will be no good, it's full sun and south facing. Any suggestions...
I am hoping to plant some hydrangeas in my garden. What is the best time of the year to plant these? Thanks
I have just purchased a new garden tool storage box which is fairly expensive. Because my garden area is open (communal) I am worried in case my...
This year I have put netting over my runner beans, the green nylon type. Which has made a significant difference for stopping the flowers being...
Question regarding growing runner beans from seeds. I recently planted a dozen runner bean seeds and there was a significant difference in the...
I am planning to plant some wallflowers from seed. Because wallflowers are bi-annual and flower every two years, would it be OK to plant another...
Please could someone recommend a good make and brand of garden hose pipe? I am fed up with hoses that just kink up. Just purchased a heavy duty...
I planted a Privet hedge around 6 years ago hopefully to fully screen off the next door property. The hedge appears to be healthy but is very...
Found out the villain..it's earwigs everywhere. Is there anything I can use to get rid of them?
Planted runner beans for the first time and something appears to be eating the leaves? I have plenty of slug pellets around the plant and also...
Thanks. Will it affect the plant? and should I treat the plant in anyway i.e remove the affected leaves?
My tomato plants have black marks on the leaves any idea what they are? and is there a cure?
I ordered a few seeding charlotte potatoes for a late crop. It was an on-line order, there appears to be some kind of small flies on the tubers....
Separate names with a comma.