And treated like mushrooms. The late Rene Anselmo, founder of PanAmSat once wrote (and was used as the company motto): “TRUTH and technology will...
@clueless1If you want to get started, then the simplest and cheapest way is to start listening to HAM VHF and UHF frequencies. The reasons are...
Hello @SigordYes a PM (private message) in called a conversation.
Like any other politician, Churchill had his fair share of short comings but I suspect that cowardice was not one of them. He was seen as a...
Crazy. I would have thought that rats are classified as vermin and the authorities would be glad to see their numbers decrease drastically and...
Or they have ticky-tickers. :heehee:
I some times wonder about the people that make laws like being able to poison rats but not drown them.
@ARMANDIII suspect the picture was eaten by the rats. :heehee:
@ARMANDIIWhich link are you referring to?
Has anyone seen this?
I'm sure there were plenty of those on the ships. :heehee:Apologies to @Jenny namaste for derailing her thread.
That would explain why you know the song. :)When we moved to South Africa (1974), my dad worked for Safmarine.Hang on to it, can't be too many...
I had forgotten about Jeremy Taylor's song. But now that you mention it, although it came out before I was born, I remember my parents would...
Or more accurately: That isn't a lekker place for a holiday my china. :heehee:china/chine – a friend; as in the greeting howzit my china (likely...
At last the people in a body To the Town Hall came flocking: `Tis clear,'' cried they, ``our Mayor's a noddy; And as for our Corporation --...
£61.90 new :hate-shocked::yikes: Think I will settle for the used, dog-eared ones for 1p. :smile:
Thank you @shineyI will check it out. There are a few bookshops in town that carry old and unusual books will pay them a visit as I prefer the...
Interestingly, Italy had signed over Corsica over to France a few years before he was born there.
Absolutely and sometimes didn't even bother to decide which side they should support, the six day war is a good example where they were dishing...
Separate names with a comma.