Assuming it's just on the leaves? If they are bad cut them off and dispose (not compost). This close to harvest (we have half up) hopefully you...
The RM online service is superb! You can do parcels or letters, re-send to same previous addresses and they will currently print you label ,...
[MEDIA]Okay I could have went for the Merseys or Bowie - later...
You wont need ice!
Our RM delivery only have 3 words "huh, huh, HUH..."! Have to add mind you they are nearly always on time.
But I don't want to use an "App" ! Well certainly not theirs if their IT on their website is anything to go by, they are amateur and disjointed....
I doubt it, perhaps just the new Putin version!
You need experts for that. But if it has been there a while (years) I think not. Glad you want to keep it as I love trees, but no space.
Sorry Ed. I can see they have upset you, but being so obvious it makes me laugh (I know - bad), but I can just see you jumping - I would too....
Sorry @On the Levels for any personal problems, but we are also so far behind and just saying we will by August (I'm sure) get veg... Hence it is...
No problem, only trying to help. Just to clarify, I don't use poison.
Looks healthy to me, I would leave it (if I wanted such).
Granted we have a very small bungalow here in the Uk and have not done contents for years (nowt worth nicking). But just had a look and John Lewis...
I'm referring to both the issues you raised. So I gather you want those with a weapon locked up - how long? Those on e-Scooters , let off -...
No. You can't let the "bu****'s win.
Ah another southerner ... Really blackberries! Still just flowers here.
Is it possible it is hitting some natural barrier and finding it harder to grow through it?
So, should we lock them all up, but for a different amount of time? Regards the "as you know" bit, no I don't have any knowledge of such.
Left in the ground too long, but it is always difficult to tell with garlic. We have found it best to look at the upper growth and if it looks far...
Same for the e-Scooters then, they can kill?
Separate names with a comma.