Keyboards, guitar, bass and a couple of other instruments. Currently playing with a rock band
I think that it should be pointed out that the proposal to expand the M11 to 4 lanes each way is only that. A proposal. Although my profession...
There is a new petition to which you might care to subscribe. Early days yet, but who knows.
Three men walking back to their village one afternoon saw a ewe grazing in a ditch with her backside stuck up in the air."I wish that was...
I can tell you what doesn't work. electronic scarers, citrus peel, any of the commercial deterrents, Silent Roar, automatic water guns, small...
The question remains - why should people who obect to cats in their gardens have to PAY to keep their gardens free of pests owned by other people?
Welcome, Daniel. Thrice welcome!
If you can be bothered, and put up with the unsightly bit, one thing that stops cats wandering over borders is 2" mesh plastic mesh. It means...
Us folks from Tarves don't get flu. Get well soon.
I agree. There will never be a resolution to this one, just as there will never be a complete vindication to either side of the GW arguments.I...
Now THAT sort of cat I don't mind.
I would shop them MD. It is a prosecutable offence. There is absolutely no excuse for allowing a dog to foul a sidewalk. I have had dogs all my...
Not all rabbits have long ears and little fluffy tails. Some rabbits look astonishingly like the common domestic cat. Do not be put off.
You are not alone Nik!
It is apparent that the overwhelming body of opinion is that cat owners should be forced to take responsibility for their animals. I...
My problem is not with cats as a species. My problem is with the owners who appear to assume that it is fine for their 'wild animals' to cause...
Yes I have tried orange peel. I have also tried every other commercially available deterrent. My problem is WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO SPEND MONEY TO...
Well said Walnut!
R200, I think your threat to lob bricks through my window is far worse than anything I said. [ 17. February 2007, 03:57 PM: Message edited by:...
Need some input on these too. Can we cut them back to encourage growth at the base?
Separate names with a comma.