In a word. Rubbish. Badly made ill thought out and faddish. So what would I recommend?A Swienty Poly Hive and they can be bought direct from...
Lifted the first "Boiling" of the 2nd earlies. These are the variety Shetland Black and as you can see the colour goes through the tuber. They are...
All my other pics have appeared no bother but the tattie post seems to have vanished? Is there a ban on such pics that I am unaware of?PH
Been doing it for 30 years now and the last thing I will give up in life will be my beloved bees.Anyone else have the same interest?[ATTACH]PH
I had forgotten this was here and so if you are interested the thread the difference 5 months makes will show the odds.
Our first earlies variety Record. bit shy on taste but biggest firsts I hae had.[ATTACH]
Showing the height difference I had to deal with. No doubt there are better ways but this is what I thought of. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I will take some pics of the other side of the poly showing the way I have secured it and what my wife has done with that extra space.... nothing...
White globules are wet and seem to contain nothing and the peas are fine, we opened the pod in the pic which had 6 lovely peas inside.
Is there an answer to this then if that is what it is?PH
This variety is unknown.Beingg grown in the poly tunnel near the back in soil.Wife spotted this today and several others have it too....
Marias Piper is a main crop spud and so not the best choice for containers. AFAIK spuds stop growing when the humles are dead which is why farmers...
They are kits from here: Solar-QuadgrowMy wife has a trial running with plants in the soil, some in normal grow bags and the two solar units....
Took three weeks to put up due to foundations from previous buildings comprising the hardest stone I have ever encountered. Still have a numb...
Ah, so that might be it the ash.No worms in it at all for sure.
We tried council produced compost two years ago and although the heaps were steaming nicely through the winter the actual product was useless....
Ok so now we are on plan B. The plastic has been recycled and porous weed suppressant material bought. Now begun to barrow in as we have had a...
We inherited two "dalek" composting bins. We over the winter have been adding kitchen peelings and urine to the lawn mowings that were in there...
Well we thought of that but at £7 a bag we would need about 100 bags and the blinding is a third that price. Plus we have been told that the...
Separate names with a comma.