1] Buy a Superspray from www.superspray.co.uk [approx �£10]2] Make sure the greenhouse is empty of vegetation.3] Add jeyes to the sprayer...
If you practice growing in rotation, then add lime to the area which is growing brassicas the following year. That year you lime every four years...
Yellow flecks indicate low on nitrigen and squirrel damage is squirrel damage!Give it a feed and it will come back no problem. I use a liquid...
Can I suggest you lay landscape matting between the heathers and cover over with bark or peat or a mixtrue of both to supress the grass. You may...
After removing larger individual weeds from the lawn with a long bladed knife, they leave behind a quite a space of non grass. Fill the area...
Dont think you will ever get a one shot permanant solution to this problem. Moss is a short daylight plant hence it shows in winter and disappear...
When larger individual weeds appear in my lawn I cut the root with a long blade knife and remove rather than use weedkiller. Some of these weeds...
Never been a believer in "all in one" products especially for lawns. I dont like pellets either, too many do's and don'ts. As Ive posted before,...
Once established any bumps can be delt with by slicing the turf over the bumpy area and rolling it back, clear out the offending bump and re lay....
Hi Mark, When laying turf it should be staggered like bricks and the edges infilled with compost. You will get some die back especially at the...
Mine is not so much a favourite that one can become romantically attached to but it is very useful. I nominate my superspray hose end sprayer...
Have have a small one in a pot south facing & sheltered by the house. only two years old but has figs about 30mm across. I live in hope they...
A very nice plant in the right situation but now you know it needs restricting. Try trenching around the plant down to about 300mm deep and...
After you have 'Wiggled' mix equal part of john innes soil compost with river[sharpe] sand and spread a thin layer over the surface and then...
Pelleted feeds have a drawback in dry weather in as much that if it doesnt rain shortly after application the grass can burn and turn brown Also...
This lawn looks to have had some quite decent fine leaved grass sown initially. Looking at the pictures I would stop raking and give it a mow. A...
Try old fashioned lawn sand. apply in the autumn and it rests on all braod leaves and should kill them.
Have a look at www.fertilefibre.com
Because it came with a spreader we can assume this stuff was for grass?Like Jimbo says....I assume you have only recently treated your lawn...
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