Hello and welcome my friend,If i go out for too long in this horrible cold i will sieze up like the tin man from wizard of oz! If you have room...
That sounds awful, I was born in the sixties just about. "world cup year" Why did parents permit this barbaric practice?
jjordie my friend, It sounds a lifetime away from the life we all enjoy today, If you had no electricity what did you for lights? I think...
Sounds awful mate illegal?maybe barbaric certainly
Arnie Schwarzenneger was governor of California Clint Eastwood was mayor of somewhere or other?
Rather unfortunately i am living proof,its done for many. As for horses we have three lovely horses and i can't do any mucking out even if i...
Things were very tough in the "old days" lots of hard work. I am reminded of the short sighted saying"hard work never harmed anyone" obviously...
Hi KevinO, The ground shouldn't need it if you have already put in plenty of manure but if you do have some more at hand it certainly won't do any...
What beautiful koi those are they are such friendly fish,have a lovely new year all of you.
sukumbis could be shubunkins? you can buy submersible heaters but if they are from last year as pete says they should get through any cold spells...
They call "baby" fish fry i think, but it's very very early for any of the carp species to be breeding they are egglayers, are you sure tht they...
Hi KevinO if you sow your cabbages now inside keep them potted on until about mid march, the job is to keep them on the move inside but don't get...
Yes we have plenty of tremors here,in the 1970's we had one i remember my brother was balancing on a chair at the time and he fell off,it was...
Lots and lots of veg can be sown now including cabbages, start them off in modules in a cool greenhouse.
Ha that is funny about the wine mate, i once found a greenfly in my salad at the local pub as we were eating outside they felt the fly could have...
Imagine the company thinking your parents just want compensation, I once found a chicken bone piece in a "boneless" chicken breast I wrote to the...
A friend once found a grub in a penguin chocolate bar, he sent the grub and the remains of the bar back to the manufacturers, who wouldn't even re...
seed grown trees for apples are unreliable and will not grow true to type you could buy a root stock and then graft your tree onto it, but that...
Hi If you visit www.wildchicken.com they have software for garden design and if you don't want to be bothered with doing the design they will do...
okay it may be 1949
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