Morning all,My potted Oleander did quite well last year, despite the terrible summer. I even got some flowers from it! However, I have had it...
How about some pyracantha as well? The footballs won't stand a chance! :D
I. Want. Hummingbirds! :D :D :D :D
I have been giving mine chicken pellets this year, and it has literally exploded in growth - from half a fence panel at the start of the summer to...
I was thinking a low box hedge as well, David! Or lavender? I have a row of French lavender that gets no bigger than 75cm tall, and about 40-50cm...
Yes, Brilliard, exactly the same thing happened to us. I think it might a battering from the rain as everything else planted next to them are...
Yes, it can certainly be a trial, and I often make errors! ;)
Cheers Tweaky - isn't it funny though, that Hel's fuschia and Ellie's Salvia are not listed in the easy plants to root in water! I guess a lot of...
Hel/Ellie,I have tried the water thing before and they just seem to shrivel and die on me. Any top tops to get the roots to appear?Ta!
I tried a few the other week - spirea, fuschia and azalea. The only one that doesn't seem to have taken is the fuschia. I literally just stuck...
It would be a hardy fuschia for me, underplanted with spring bulbs. The put some mulch down (but no membrane for the bulbs) and leave it to do its...
That would probably turn into some kind of super weed that is even more powerful than it was before! [img] The old cliché about cockroaches...
Coo - that is magic! In which case:'ow come my compost goes down reeeeaallly sloooowwwwly?I chuck loads of worms in when I am weeding, I have...
I have growing in all my paths too, the only thing that temporarily sets it back is a flame wand, but even then it soon recovers. I have largely...
I think I mentioned it before, but we have a Yucca in very much the same situation as yours - raised bed, clay soil - and it is doing fine! I will...
Hi Gaz,I have thought about the same thing - although our weather is anything but arid at the moment! Are the roots going to struggle with the...
Hi all,Have created some new beds in the garden using the edge of a new area of lawn and a low retaining wall. However, because of the way the...
We had TONS of slugs when we first moved in. To be honest, I think that the compost heap we put in has been the best thing for controlling them -...
I think it is called something original like Wilkinson's Bug Killer - obviously Wilko's advertising execs are highly stretched! ;)It is next to...
Bashy - I have blackfly on my broad beans, and have resorted to the chemical stuff (hangs head in shame). I got some of Wilko's own version, which...
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