Aaron, foxgloves aren't a problem, they grown in the joints between the paving, I have to pull then up as weeds, but Aquilegias :( Nah!!. but...
In everyone's garden, except mine!!Fidgetsmum!! you are not alone, I can't grow Aquilegias to save my life, I've tried all ways but the...
I'm sure anyone can propogate any plant at any time BUT only if it is for your own personal use, if you try to sell cuttings you would be in big...
I stopped watching Gardeners World when Geoff Hamilton Bowed out, nobody can and never will replace him, Alan Titchmarsh Nah!! he's not in the...
Hi Claudette, you could always use some trellis and grow a couple of Clematis Montana over it. don't fix the trellis to your neighbours fence,...
wow!! capney, great close up shots, wish I could take pictures like that, I only have a point and squirt camera, can you see my green eyes...
Hi wilroda, I have as a kid caught grass snakes up to a metre in length, but the average length is between 90 - 110 cm. I don't know how you...
Hi Colin, why not keep the chippings in bags for a while or keep them in a heap somewhere out of the way, that way they will compost to a degree...
I personally never used chemicals when I had a pond, water lillies and plenty of oxygenating plants kept the water crystal clear and a good...
Hi Flighty, welcome to GC, they're a good bunch on here. enjoy!!Pete
worry you not Val, I only squish the snails I find, there are hundreds out there, plenty for the hedgehogs, my foot is preferable to slug...
Hi Val, I recently bought some large..ish tubs and they had no drainage holes in them. I found a piece of steel rod (you could use a skewer of...
Hi CGL, welcome to GC, Hmmm!! your white flower does indeed sound very much like bindweed but will reserve judgement till you post a photo. if...
Hi Holly welcome to the club, if you have questions please ask away.Pete
Andrew, your age is completely irrelevant, you are all interested in the same thing and age won't come into it. go for it you'll be suprised....
Don't know what type of snail it is but it looks disgusting, sorry Gemini but I find snails abhorrent, usually stomping on them before they get to...
Hi Beachlover, as wiseoldowl said, the club meet is a great way to meet like minded people and you will make new friends. we all start as...
Hi Realmojo, welcome to GC, Yep!! a friendly lot on here, any questions just ask away. Enjoy!!Pete
Those black pots at Morrisons are fine but are very thin and easily broken so handle with care, they have no drain holes so I made some with a hot...
Brilliant aquariums Nathan, I often considered getting Marines but Chickened out a tad too hi tech for and oldie like me. used to keep lots of...
Separate names with a comma.