My neighbour has obviously a giant what is called Maggikraut in German, the stuff they make Maggi from, Liebstöckel (lovage)
I believe you nailed it @Dovefromabove :dbgrtmb: Compairing Hogweed and Lovage, it looks like Lovage. Thanks a lot.I just wanted to make sure...
Thanks @fairygirl Looks however similar, and it is 2 meters high already.Here are better images. [ATTACH][ATTACH]
Hello to all Do you have a name for this plant that is growing in a neighbour’s garden? The first idea I had was Giant Hogweed.Sorry for the...
We had rain almost all day yesterday, and weather remains rainy and a bit stormy this week until Friday. Temperatures around 16C. From Saturday on...
Wasn’t there once an article somewhere about “NHS food advice makes people ill”? This low fat thing isn’t the only wrong advice. Once seen real...
I also had the impression that my tits had less youngsters than the first couple two years ago. But the parents always found food. I think your...
Thanks for the reminder that not all chicks make it. What a shame. I would take the box down, bury the chicks, clean the box, and hang it back...
Good morning everyone. A mix of clear sky and clouds this morning with 9c and no wind. temperatures to expect a bit higher than yesterday with...
If you don’t see them in the next couple of days, you could try to take the nesting box down and have a look.My great tit youngsters have left...
So cute @Papi JoI had no time this week at work and the cold and rainy weather did its part, but hopefully I get more to see over the weekend.
My tits have fledged and I could now freely move around but I have nothing to do. My street cat was stretching out and got a cuddle, if that...
I took out again the winter fleece and a hot-water bottle this morning. Cloudy but dry and a blustery wind. 14c in the meantime.
Your garden is miles ahead of what I have seen and meant to express @Plantminded I remember when we went to Tyntesfield, a must have seen I was...
Spent 2 hours with weeding in front of the house.
Good morning everyone. Yes, we also have rain since yesterday evening. 12c currently and will get up to 15c. It continues to rain all day, which...
We had those discussions in the GW forum how awful Monty Don's garden looks when he cramps the plants into any of his overcrowded not good looking...
This is a very interesting thread @Plantminded I got my first own garden in 2016 with the flat that we bought. It's tiny, just 10x10 meters and...
You are in the Omega constellation. My friend in Pamplona gets more rain than we have and it’s colder.
Not only my tits but other tits too are now really busy to find enough food for their hungry youngsters. My tit youngsters should be ready this...
Separate names with a comma.