Oh @Verdun that is a little beauty and a little more pleasing to the eye than striatum..
A new comp is running for all to join in here.. , ,30 DAY PHOTO CHALLENGE..! (JUNE)
We have a new comp running here... Do come and join in.! 30 DAY PHOTO CHALLENGE..! (JUNE)
We have a new photo comp that is for all.. Join in here.! :spinning:30 DAY PHOTO CHALLENGE..! (JUNE)
We have a new photo comp.! Why not come and join in.!! 30 DAY PHOTO CHALLENGE..! (JUNE)
:yay: We have a new photo comp which I am sure you will all have a photo for.! :yay: 30 DAY PHOTO CHALLENGE..! (JUNE)
:spinning: Hi everyone I just wanted to tell you about our new photo Comp... Please look here to enter........ :spinning: 30 DAY PHOTO...
:thinking: I thought perhaps we could have another photo comp running. I know we have our Monthly Themed Photo comp but I thought another comp...
Yes I have some too and like you I can never remember the name either.! :doh::heehee: They are a, “as tough as old boots” plant I think.!...
Looks like Wyevale have been bought out by Dobbies then as I had this email today.!I didn't know this and they are also closing quite a few...
Some really lovely photos again this month everyone, we could do with more pics to vote on everyone but thanks for joining in.. :bigthumb:VOTING...
The competition closes tonight everyone so you can still get those last minute photos in.. :SUNsmile:
@Angie123 I would say Spanish bluebells and I think Zantedeschia aethiopica (Arum Lily) as I havethem, rather than Arrowhead plant the leaves are...
Looking good.! :SUNsmile:
Hi @Angie123 I would go along with Pete on the IDs too.. Just let the bluebells die back like we do spring bulbs.. :SUNsmile:
A couple of wild patches in the garden by the sheds and greenhouse.! I like to let some areas go wild for birds and insects and these patches are...
Hi ya @karaman have a google at Rag weed.. If I am right you may think twice about that, keep your distance if you are a hay fever suffer.!...
Hi @kr236rk Keep you mint moist or it will bolt into flower.. the other plant is a weed called Fat Hen and they are popping up everywhere now.....
You need to see if it works then @lolimac :whistle: Chilled out or not they should respond but mind your fingers when you are rubbing the line...
@Cinnamon it is best to grow from seed if you want particular ones, otherwise they are not usually true after the second year.. You could try here...
Separate names with a comma.