I think I did something out there yesterday, but I'm struggling to remember what it was! Oh yes- moved the potentilla. Just dug a hole and plonked...
Sorry - I assumed you were changing the path completely @latimer . If you're still going to have bark, I'd do what @pete has said, and just add...
The easiest solution is to hoe it until all the weeds have been dislodged - assuming there aren't any perennial ones with deep roots. Ideally,...
Yes - a sibirica or an ensata Iris - both are ideal for the side of a pond. Ensata is a water Iris, so is also ideal if it's very wet. Many...
Taken just before 8 am [ATTACH]
Yes - they're visible @cactus_girl :smile: The mon was really visible here last night - and with a 'Coldplay'. # Sky Full of Stars ;)
That's really great @shiney . A small intervention can last for a very long time, although in your case - a big intervention. My daughter is now...
Those camellias are looking great @noisette47 . I love them but I gave up on them as they so often get destroyed by weather here - just as they're...
Keep that up @pete - it'll really pay off :blue thumb:
An icy, rather than frosty, start here as it was damp later on yesterday. A mix of frost and ice though as the windscreen was icy earlier when I...
I wouldn't even consider half an hour as 'a walk' @simone_in_wiltshire ! :heehee: I think there's a lot of emphasis on 'good' and 'bad' food,...
Garden looks after itself here once it's winter. Everything that needs pruning/cutting back is done before then. I might do a bit of planning, but...
I still have a couple of dahlias in pots, but as we've to get dry, frosty/icy weather over the next few days and they have a lot of foliage, I'm...
Yes - use heavier ones and decent wire. It looks like you have wooden posts, so that's easier than the concrete ones, whch would need a hammer...
There are lots of areas of Scotland where trees are 'minimal'. :biggrin: Doesn't stop it being beautiful though. I'm very surprised anyone finds...
I'm not keen on him @Loofah, but he has gone above and beyond, and deserves every bit of praise he's rightly getting. It's now nearly £9 million...
I did pretty much nothing outside yesterday, as I had to go away and do something else anyway. Probably won't do anything much today either!...
Re domestic abuse, just keeping these topics in the public domain is what's needed more than anything. It won't magically solve it by having a...
Ah - I misunderstood @Sheal re the seed. Small seedlings would certainly struggle outside and would need protected. I know what you mean about...
Too dark here to see properly, but it's cloudy and damp. O'night low of 6 degrees [7 just now at approx. 7.20am] with a predicted high of around 7...
Separate names with a comma.