£40 per year 10 rods secure fencing & gate, water taps
And it's away again...
It came yesterday :)I'll have a look at it tonight and then post it on tomorrow
Which ones are you growing?I was given some this year and although they have grown they are only a couple of feet high and havent produced...
Hi all,I pulled one of my 'Javelin' plants the other day and my lovley wife cooked them for dinner.They looked quite good but when boiled...
Thanks Aaron
Have to say the lady who looks after the allotments is excellent. Were lucky to have her i guess.I'll let you know what the settelment is when...
Thank you for you comments.I spoke to the council today and explained the situation.To cut a long story short it wasnt the usual tractor...
I had thought about that but tbh it cant have been anyone else but the council, also a chap i get on well with whos next but one to me said he was...
I should mention the grass had been cut by a tractor with the big grass cutter on the back (I can see the tyre marks in the soil)
Your opinions please...Today i visited my allotment with the intention of cutting down the longer bits of grass towards the bottom of my plot...
Today we visited Kew for the 1st time in years.... It was good to go back :)They had a small area of mini veg patches which the students have...
We had 13.8mm here in SouthamptonThat was all in a few hours over night... the thunder woke me up about 5am and all i could think was... "the...
Having planted my garlic in October my leafs are turning bronw too.When is it time to pull them up?Ive dug a little bit of soil away and...
Gutted for you!Can you get hold of any chicken wire?I've got some folded over my lettuce to keep "pests" (cats!) off them :)Should be...
I grew them in pots last year and they did very well.This year i've bought outdoor girl toms and planning to plant them in the rasied bed in...
I went and brought some cheap black plastic from our allotment shop (18pence a meter) and used that.
As title really?Mine are geting on for 20cm tall now...Adam
Its amazing there is such a difference between north and south these days, esp as were really only a small island.
Separate names with a comma.