Well done rich ill get you next year lol
[media]These are my aforementioned squash I planted them out early may were they sulked for what seemed like ages but plenty of bfb and nettle...
I dare say their will be cultivated roses with in a bees flight zigs but could be some interesting hybrids. So when is the best time to collect...
Hope some of you rose experts can help me here, I am wanting some rose bushes to go at the end of my veg plot to obscure the view from a public...
I bought this little plant in the supermarket but their was no label on it so I'm not sure on the care it needs, would appreciate if some one...
I'm going to try some in buckets in my polly tunnel
[ATTACH] Well one of mine is growing nicely thanks to Richard for kindly pollinating it
Forgive my ignorance but I thought sweet potatoes grew on a vine as apposed to tubers in the ground??? I do have a plant growing in my polly tunnel
Rich I saw yours on Saturday it's mahoosive already mate can't believe how quick its growing
[ATTACH]Here's me with one of my babies I'm not sure if its been pollinated yet though still early days
Not yet freddy I keep forgetting to take one when I'm up lottie I should be going tonight so I will get some then. I ain't seen em for a few days...
Richards got one the size of a tennis ball on his already
Can I still be in on this I posted a picky at the crook stage when in modules but I never posted a pic of them when I planted them out. I could...
I planted mine out last night hopefully they didn't get too battered by the over night wind and rain. Ill get a picky today if I go up lottie later
These are my champs let them have a play out on the patio in sun while I'm up lottie[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
That's funny me and Richard were talking about using one of those on our lotties its like a blow torch on a long wand. Does it really kill the...
I'm in Steve. And could I get a couple of those seeds please if I send you an SAE Dan
Now look what you started rich!! Oh well the more people their is the less chance you have of coming last :blue thumb:
You will be eating miniature pumpkins in no time mate
Sounds like you have things under control Steve. I've been up again today and planted out my onion seedlings and also started with my sets.
Separate names with a comma.