Has that worked?
What the process of using round up entail. By that I mean once sprayed what do I do next? How long will the process take from spraying to planting...
Kristen sorry damn corrective text
I was thinking about using round up today actually Kirsten how soon can you plant after using it?
I managed to get an allotment plot yesterday!!! I've been on the waiting list for a local council plot for little under a year now. But while out...
I'd love a nice pond Pete but we are hoping to move house in the near future so I will wait until I'm in my new house for that. Will the frogs...
Probably wouldn't be ashamed hb. People like that don't give a second thought to what they do!!
Ha ha gorilla it's just a building term for one of those big tubs with handles on the sides
I no it's disgusting ain't it. I'd hate to think of my kids growing up to do things like that (which I'm sure they won't) it makes me wonder what...
On Thursday evening I was walking my dog in the woodland area at the end of my street. The woods is on a hill and on the path at the bottom is a...
Welcome to GC Im also from West Yorkshire
Sorry I didn't make my self clear about the arch it's a rose/climbing plant flower arch frame sort of thing so theirs plenty of supports to wrap...
It looks ok to me but crop rotation is very important have you taken this into consideration?
No they have been in my unheated greenhouse so their used to the cold already. I put up an arch in my front garden this morning. The idea is for...
Last autumn I bought 3 plants quite simply because they were practically for free I got Honeysuckle hilliana Jasmine beesanium Clematis multi...
Well I've potted on the first lot of my Bedfordshire champs No sign of the aisla Craig's yet but I've just sown a load in modules in heated prop...
How about some thing like this http://item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewitem?itemId=190741788481&siteId=3&isClassified=false
I've just been looking at that JWK and going by that I wouldn't really call 6m suitable for containers would you. The g5 rootstock can also grow...
Right after jwk's post asking about root stock that got me thinking. When I bought my trees I didn't really no a lot about rootstocks and grafting...
This comp to me is just a bit of fun. Every one will have a different method like heated prop, grow box with lights etc i my self started mine in...
Separate names with a comma.