Ah....I can plant peas now, can I?And they will be ready in the Spring?
Er, yes, but be a bit careful. Some of you may recall the disaster I had two years ago when I asked the neighbour to water the plants, and he...
Thanks! I'm not in a hurry and don't want to spoil them by being impatient...just wanted to know!!! :ThankYou:
OK, I've a really stupid question, but I've never grown potatoes before!! :spinning: How do I know when they're ready?? They are growing...
Bear with me, this is the first time I've ever tried to grow spuds, and I want to get it right!:scratch: I've put them into the chitting...
Well, she isn't closing altogether, just not sending out the herbs. If you can ever get to the premises, you can buy the herbs there...don't know...
The saddest news I have heard this year so far - Jekka's Herb Farm (http://www.jekkasherbfarm.com) is no longer sending out herb plants. :cry3:...
WELL-MEANING NEIGHBOUR: I'll just get my big clippers and cut down that ash growing through the fence, it must be getting in your way.ME...
My pink lilies have flowered over the weekend, and are scenting the whole garden!!
Thanx, have been using dilute washing-up liquid, seems to be working!
Does anyone know any organic method(s) of getting rid of the blackfly which is currently devastating my bean crop?
Some of you may recall the problems I had last year when the neighbour who promised to look after my garden let me down, and nearly all my plants...
Happy to report that the mini-apricot tree in my garden has flowered! This is the first time... :dbgrtmb:
Well, the rain seems to have damaged some of my bulbs, i.e. they were waterlogged and rotted.....but by and large the garden hasn't suffered too...
Yes, I left the spare keys in an envelope, as I always do....er, DID!! That was the envelope he didn't open, which also contained the note about...
The police were back again last night!! And they were looking for him, and no, they wouldn't tell me why|! He seems to have done a runner - of...
Follow-up to the above.... You're probably not going to believe this, but.....we were woken up at four o'clock this morning by the police...
Things are improving, planted some lovely violas today! Here is a link to my blogpost......
The garden looks a bit better now...I have some beautiful lilies, strongly scented.... Bought some exquisite violas in Homebase this morning!...
Separate names with a comma.