No. Remove the flowers and they have no reason to exist so leave them on.Plant propagation(sorry mods :doh:)
Teetering on the brink of recession is infinitely preferable to staring into the abyss though. :gaah: It sounds like your French is coming along...
No. But apparently they are easy from seed and the best material for cuttings is the flower stem.
Wrong. It is this country that is up to its neck in shino. When are these career opportunists morons going to get it - this is the deal for now,...
This Lewisia is blooming its heart out despite the cold........... [ATTACH]
I grow far too much from seed really but people keep offering me seed, I see seed or plants on the web that I fancy, I find old seed that I forgot...
A second stem on this Amaryllis and it is very full.................. [ATTACH]
If you're asking me about the Justicia then it's not ideal for the British climate but not hard. It is winter blooming and need a frost free and...
Not if they get off their asses and use the local retailer instead. Disagree. Both our local butchers offer infinitely better meat that is in...
Rarely buy online and I object to it. Bang online sellers with a mahoosive sales tax, say 100%. Whilst we're at it, stop the chains telling the...
Justicia rizzinii is starting to get going properly now.............. [ATTACH]Not the best photo but if you look carefully enough................
Epic choice :dbgrtmb: Did you see my This Mortal Coil posting earlier? Another offering from the 4AD label............... [MEDIA]And a bit of...
The era when I went from child to yoof to adult. What has happened for me is that t'interweb has made it possible to discover so much more music...
Sadly I'm not even surprised by that. I actually took it seriously and moved some units of a managed fund that I have into a "Referendum Gamble"...
Crikey, we're off on a trip back to the eighties with this thread! David Sylvian first came to fame as the frontman of Japan..................
I swear blind that I've heard that somewhere before :heehee:
Worse - one woman was interviewed after and said she voted leave because she didn't think that they could win! And she was actually being serious...
If I didn't know better I'd say that you're a little undecided about her :whistle:
I started on Tuesday. I put all the following in to soak;Caesalpinia gillesii Datura wrightii Datura ferox (very old seed) Solanum laciniatum...
So it's now the time of year when we start planning and making a start for the spring, summer and autumn, or even for next year and for many a...
Separate names with a comma.