I'm starting this weekend. Bought some Lily of the Valley and Bleeding Heart from Focus (3 varities of bulbs for a fiver) for the area under the...
Hey all,Just wanted peoples thoughts as to what's up with my Orchid. It flowered fine last year, and then on the advice of people, I cut down...
I usually leave them in the pot, bit of cellophane over them, they always survive. Winter they can handle; Vine Weevil is another story altogether!
Hey all,Any advice on over wintering geraniums? I have some in an outside pot and what with rumours of frost coming this weekend (not to...
I had five mature plants I let go to seed this year, so, technically, I'm expecting billions of seedlings! They're fine, leave them to grow in...
My nickname is a reference to two things, the 'Arch referring to Marilyn Manson's 'Arch Dandy' persona from his fifth album, when I first started...
This reminds me of something my Nan did years ago when I was little. We were walking along a side road on the way to the High Street and Nan saw...
Syringa. I have two, one was an accidental cutting (stuck a stick in the ground to keep the Cats off my Cauliflower and it grew)which behaves and...
Sorry to hijack your thread Lunagirl but I'd rather use an existing thread than create a new one!This is growing in my mates garden, and I...
Nathan7, what's that trailing out of the basket in the third picture? I have it growing wild in my garden.
After my Foxgloves/Sweet William/Nigella/Poached Egg plants had finished flowering, I cleared up the flowerbeds and removed all spent flowers...
At last! I know what this plant is called! Very pretty flowers, shame they don't flower for long. Bees adore it.
Little bit of rain here, all I needed after that massive storm - Hollyhocks, Lupins, Poached Egg Plants, Sunflowers have all been beaten up very...
There's a border I was pleased with this year - a combination of Foxglove, Hollyhock and Sweet William - however the Foxgloves and the Sweet...
I was in Coventry at the Uni of Warwick last weekend and the place was swarming with them. Literally it was like a plague, never seen anything...
Cheers all! All trimmed :)
I got an Orchid in Christmas 2007 and all was well until this year.It flowered twice in 2008, and until yesterday it'd done nothing so far...
Taking Brambles from my an's garden was a big mistake, their a nuisance. After a hard graft I've removed them all but some have sprung up under...
I've hit the jackpot with Bees this year, I have Foxgloves, Sweet Rocket, Nasturtiums (which you can both use in salads), Catmint, Lupins, some...
UKTV is in the middle of a rebrand, and most of the channels are getting their own identities and a new focus. Dave was fair enough, but I sorely...
Separate names with a comma.