As you have several :thumb: I would put them in individual little pots and try a variety of conditions, inside, outside, sun, shade. Good luck.
Ivory thanks for that, I will try that next year :) The agapanthus, I am no expert. I put the seeds in a pot about March. hardened them off and...
My Agapanthus that I grew from seed have done really well [img] my Stocks are miserable specimens. [img] any tips on how to grow better...
:) [img]
I have been following that story
Wilkinson's have reduced all the seed packets to half price, they all have 2010/2011 use by dates :) I stocked up on Catmint :D and Sweet Peas
That sounds lovely and your timing is great Lidls had avacados at 20p each yesterday so I bought a lot :)
Very pretty :)
That is beautiful, you are very talented :thumb:
Beautiful puppies.
Wow that is a great photo, I have only seen our visitor once.
It could be worse you could have our Badger :D Went in the garden to see this the other morning. [img]
:D that is great.
1st ..... Lyn .......... Worms for lunch 2nd ..... Strogylodon ....... Wet wild gsass flower 3rd .....LoL ..... Goose bumps It is...
I love the story :thumb:
Free to Good Home I am forever pulling these up like weeds in my garden. If anyone would like a baby Walnut tree I am quiet happy to pop them...
:) Thank you
This is probably a stupid question :o I have a fujifilm finepix A700 camera and I have tried and tried but I cannot find how to set it so that the...
Adobe Photoshop CS2
Hope you have a great time, I love Kew. The last time we went we took the boat up the river. It was lovely much nicer that the underground....
Separate names with a comma.