yeah shed or garage is much better, but then you will struggle to get light in!? yes water it for sure
You so lucky that you are at that stage. Im planning to do the autumn digging:hehe:. Added more grass cutting to the compost today, and took home...
And that blue sky! Oh!!!! I love the mediterrenian!!!!!!:luv: Yeah the trees are pretty too:thumb:
Wow! Your lightbox is amazing man!!!!!!!
Wake up!! This is a great section, just not really active:(! Last post 2 months ago!!! So I done the garlic, onion, broad bean planting outside,...
mine looked hardy:scratch: but died last winter:mad:
Yeah, i know what you mean, i do not spray anything at all. Well it says on the packet how to spray, and when, normally can be eaten 14 days after...
Souns like you have whiteflies there! Big problem this time everywhere, they gone into my greenhouse as well. Pretty hard to avoid them, just...
Sorry!!! Will bear in mind!!!!!! Ok so tuberose anyone? here you can find what it is! Just...
You can have success with supermarket garlic too, i had this year!:thumb: Try the dwarf broad beans in containers!!
Morning! They will be absolutely fine! Just make sure your garage is not dump! Anyway you can store any pumpkin 4 three weeks! Just seen some nice...
We made lots of effort to make the soil acid in the last 2 years for the 2 bushes we already have. Worth the effort this year we had an amazing... its 20 pounds , sorry i was just 2 excited and remembered wrong! Still the best deal i could find!!
yeah its a Halls to me to, looks exactly like mine
something you see, ok so you didn't know sthg stands 4 something, or you were sarcastic, wondering what you could cover it with? (obviously not...
Carpet is a no no 4 sure. Had some on our plot what we took over from some1, and it was a nightmare to get rid of it! Avoid it if you can!
Broad beans is a great thing to sow now. Plant the garlic around them!
Just keep digging and cutting back blackberries. 1 good thing is to grow the first year is potatoes, they brake the soil up nicely and have large...
Ta! Found 5 plants for 12 pounds in the end! THe best ever. Wonder how the plants would be!
Leave them in and cover the bulbs with sthg. we did it with old raffia bags. did the trick all bulbs survived!!
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