We have some plants we grew from seed, they are around 2 foot tall now and really healthy, when can we expect brocolli spears from them (I have no...
We just started to grow our own veg this year and my advice would be to choose only a few crops to begin with, we diversified far too much - got...
We have sprayed them with some aphid killing spray and boy do we regret it, the stuff has fish bonemeal or something in it and the spare room...
I have peas!!! they are very small - about 1 cm long and very thin - 1/4 cm diameter hence why I didn't notice them! We tried eating one and it...
do some potato plants not flower then? mine are really tall but no sign of any flowers yet?
Ours just keeps on growing and growing, I cut some nearly every day and then it just springs up again - bargain!!
great stuff! thanks:thumb:
My pepper and chilli plants have all developed curling and stunted leaves, I have read this is a type of mosaic virus which can be carried by...
Has anyone grown these? we have several healthy plants which are all flowering but no sign of any peas yet - does anyone know how long they take...
I have two tiny little peas growing - and loads of flowers now - am very excited!!!
After removing all the affected leaves we have had no further problems (touch wood) and we now have around 30 mini cucumbers developing really...
OOH recipe for stuffed courgette flowers please!! I am not growing them this time but my friend is:)
We have only harvested salad leaves and a few radish so far, OH said yesterday he was getting a bit despondent with it all, there just never seems...
I can't wait for my tomatoes to be ready, I just love opening my greenhouse and sniffing them too!!:D
Mine have bolted too, still eating them though! they have only a really thin white part, they are mostly leaves but I have had them chopped in a...
LOL I was only kidding I really appreciate everyones help! :) Have removed the 'infected' leaves, checked and rest of plant/s still healthy and...
Daitheplant (voice of doom:p) what is the worst case scenario if it is mosaic virus - is it terminal:confused:
:( Oh dear cucumber mosaic doesn't sound very good :( not really sure if it is that though, have found pics of downy mildew which look similar,...
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