Jalapenos! I love them :)
I can recommend anti-vandal paint. Friends use itfor the same reason. Junior thug got grief from parents for stained clothes......Pyracanthus...
Tangle, do a yahoo/gogle search on "armillatox vine weevil" Here's one of the hits I got...
I think Armillatox is but they aren't akllowed to say so any more....something re licence. My father used it for weevil, sure of it.
Looks like an ornamental cherry?? (Japanese?)
Mines is not in direct sun and does well. Flowering beautifully just now and not invading est of the garden. Nice cheery plant. :)
Absolutely idyllic :)
Many thanks, it is!
I cannot for the life of me remember what this is. I have grown it for years and I know you can get a blue form too :) [img]
Hop family?
I am going to try cut and come again right close to the glass and claytonia and land cress further in...worth a go! Any particular varieties you...
Not wanting to hyjack but what is a good book on raised bed husbandry?
Any crops that can do well under staging? Jackie
There's Shetland Black on ebay at the moment :)
Thanks for that. I will be cautious and not do it, I'd assumed as water tanks/troughs for animals it would be safe.
?? Would it not be safe to eat?
I fancy trying these or red ones if I can find them!But worried about them being invasive...do you think potato sacks would work?
Mikkel, yes we are close to Brougghton :) That's our local Tesco shopping place. Some nice allotments near there too :) I see you are in Norfolk,...
We have a really big steel water tank (collects rain water from roof)...it gets a turnover of rain in/water out as we use it to water plants in...
Great pictures Stronglylodon, if you visit again there's a cracking Alpine nursery nearby :)
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