Viburnum "Brandywine"
Dahlia "Embassy"[ATTACH]
I was up early this morning, so moved some of the tomato plants from the propagator house ready for purchasing. Our varieties this year, Money...
Yes, the other tariff we were offered from BG was 5.125p with no standing charge.It does make you wonder, are the energy companies taking a hit...
It can be confusing but when you do the math it's easy to work out. I am with BG, so are my parents and the business. We opted to pay less per kWh...
I see the EU has delayed a vote to ban combustion engine cars by 2035 due to a revolt by two EU countries, Germany and Italy.EU delays vote on...
Do a google search of the stores in your area first, some B&M and Home Bargain stores have small Garden Centres.This is the one B&M stores in...
What are you going to use it for? It says on the bag it is a soil improver, when you look at the application guide it does not mention anything...
Took my parents out to do a food shop and a browse at what compost is going for. Aldi, Morrisons and B&Q are only doing peat free. Aldi are doing...
A very big disadvantage when you also take into account the UK population has increased considerably more than other EU countries, more people,...
Probably, a lack of support from both government and large retailers who would rather import to maximise their profits.When I was in Lincoln...
Elton John could do a modern take of an old song "Made in China"
A commercial grower will tell us how much they want to reduce the peat content, where as the retail sector does not engage and price is always at...
Are you sure that the peat free contains green waste?According to their site, Sylva Grow Multi-purpose contains no peat or green waste compost.
Here is a government link to impact of a proposed peat ban.Impact of a proposed ban of the sale of horticultural peat in EnglandA few pieces I...
Maybe, however when is come to central government, does the left hand know what the right hand is doing.In December 2020 the UK Parliament...
From AHS Ltd. I get bagged decorative bark via them, actually collecting a full load today from J.W Jenkinson's forest products. I do not purchase...
True, but why?The amount of peat that was and still is burned for energy is huge compared to what is used in the horticultural sector. In the...
Many people, not just gardeners care about the environment, but importing wood waste and coir from afar is also irresponsible. All countries are...
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