Liebe/Love[img]duplicated layers,gaussian blur, eraser,flatten,new layer,fill black, erase complete once over at ca50%, erase center at ca 75%...
the green and the grey[img]/|\ Shea
spread [img]/|\ Shea
After quite a bit of searching the net and chatting on forums,I finally got a result. I dont know how or why,but for some reason,my colour profile...
The Leaves[img]Shea /|\ )O(
Firstly,thank you all for the input.Now this is strange. I uploaded a pic through tiny pic and put it in the "how good is my pic thread" at the...
I tried uploading for both this and last months comp,but each time I upload to photobucket,my pics are drastically lightened. The pic is fine on...
Thanks WOO,thats all i needed to know.
I couldnt agree more. I never use flash,i dont even have a flash gun.:gnthb:
Dave. You may want to consider Focus Stacking. Its atechnique for getting max DoF in macro photography. I havn't tried it myself,but I know a bit...
Are we allowed toned pictures,eg,sepia etc,or does it have to be just B&W ? Thanks, /|\ Shea.
Well done the top 3.:thmb: Just be aware,the rest of us aint far behind:wink:/|\ Shea
Good work everyone. Looking forward to the next challenge now.:gnthb: /|\ Shea
Thanks Dave, But I think I'll stick with Capture 1. For some reason,I just never could get my head around DPP.:scratch:/|\ Shea
Hows this WOO ?[img]I adjusted the curves and levels,added a cooling filter to slightly lessen the reds,and bring out the yellows.Duplicated...
There really is some fantastic work going on here,but for me,the top 3 are.... 1st Dave W ---Nightmare 2nd Victoria---Pink Passion 3rd Marley...
Difficult again. 1st Cumberland---A place for reflection 2nd WOO---Red Rain 3rd Marley Farley---Water Curtains
50D is a damn good camera,and is getting into the realms of semi pro kit. If you think you'll take enough quality pics to justify the...
Thanks Will. I use a Canon EOS 30D with Sigma 17-70mm lens.A photoshop tip when using white backgrounds. Open the picture in PS, Select...
this is the type of set up I use for getting the background right. [img]Its just a piece of card from an art shop.(any colour),two builders...
Separate names with a comma.