I think this is a great idea too - would be more than happy to assist.Out of interest, when would be the best time to take berberis cuttings? I...
Thank you all for your suggestions.Unfortunately, Celia, the one veg my daughter doesn't eat are beans. Do you know of any good dwarf pea...
My daughter (just over 2 years old) is always pretending to do gardening anywhere and everywhere (from outside to in the bath!) and always wants...
Fanatastic Plotty - As always an inspiration to us all!!! [img]
Just as an aside, the Full moon on the 30th June is also known as a Blue Moon!When there are two full moons in the same month the second is...
You always manage to make me very jealous! [img]
Congratulations Oktarine [img] - my second is due on Monday! :eek:Now that this house is finally decorated I have the go ahead to spend time...
I note that most of this thread relates to new residential properties having rainwater collection and encouraging existing homeowners to collect...
As well as plants, I also collect stamps. I specialise in pre-decimal stamps, and also any rugby related philately. My daughter, Emily (21 months)...
Looks like I've missed everyone [img] Well I'll have to try and catch you tomorrow.
Windy, I know exactly what its like. Mrs D is always worried when I suggest you pop in to "have a look" at any nursery. She certainly makes sure...
Another very easy way to cook butternut squash is to cut the squash in half length ways and then roast in the oven skin side down.You can then...
You can contact the buyer. If you click on the highest bidders name it takes you through to their feedback details, and on the rhs towards the top...
I haven't had much experience with hanging baskets, Mrs D usually does them. I do remember we put violas in them one winter and it flowered from...
Paladin, looks like your in for a great crop. Out of interest which variety is it?
Unfortunately I work as a claims adjuster for one of those big insurance companies. I only deal with a very specialised area of the commercial...
We had rain again early this morning (just stopping when I got up @ 5:30). Not sure how much there was, we are quite high and seem to have had...
If you plant chives near your roses, this is should reduce the risk of blockspot and is also supposed to deter aphids! ;)
I have never tried this, so don't know how well it works. I was advised by a friend that a good trick for runner beans is to dig a deep trench...
We were going to grow strawberries this year, but were to late - probably a good thing too. We have a few wild strawberry plants in the garden,...
Separate names with a comma.