Hi At 70, your apple is entering the twilight of its fruiting life (it would have been grubbed out of a commercial orchard 15-20 years ago). If...
Discovery apples are self sterile. If the nursery it came fromlabelled it as self fertile, you could take it back. But even self-fertile apples...
Just plant young, fast growing hedging plants and protect them with rabbit spirals. BTW - rabbits eat laurel but are less keen on shrum honeysuckle.
The best hedging site out there (in my humble opinion) is Ashridge Trees. Loads of plants and a good advice section take a look at...
Strewth. 12 per metre is way too many - that close you are likely to get box blight and certian to lose a few as they will be too cramped - so...
If you want an acer take a look at Acer pensylvanicum - Green or Striped Bark Maple. Pretty and well behaved
On a north facing fence you can grow variegated ivy, climbing hydrangea, roses like New Dawn, almost any pyracantha, honeysuckle etc
Watch out for loft conversions in your area. When they do a conversion, they have to take out the ceiling joists where they are putting a new...
Depends on what sort of borders you are planning. Surprisingly (or not) there is a season for everything. With the exception of bulbs, as a rule...
Why not look at hybrid willows. They don't cost much, they grow like fury but suddenly stop at about 30ft and you can coppice them every 4-5...
Ours is easily the same size as yours - and we brutalise it. No matter how hard you cut it back, it will put out new growth from the main trunk....
I doubt Spring Scorch. Yew got through the last Ice Age and you can see yew hedges in good condition all over the country, rain and shine....
Just plant some hedging. It makes a great internal barrier, and done right is dog proof, and not much is more natural. Once established you can...
BTWDithane will clear it, but don't use the fruit for jelly this year. Spray again with Dithane next year but do it when the leaves have just...
You will certainly have to wait another 2-3 years. Rowans also flower better if the soil is relatively poor - they not called Mountain Ash for...
Interesting article in the Torygraph Gardening section today - trees seem to be getting sick more easily now because of all the fluctuations in...
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