your tutor is right would someone on a tight budget employ a horticultorist to mow the lawn and trim hedges. you dont need to be an expert to...
what a lovely garden you should be proud of all your hard work, be nice to see it when finished. nice to see you using traditional fittings on the...
thanks mathew your right its not mature as olive trees go 8 years its still a young tree but at 5 feet tall you will forgive me for thinking it as...
hi i have a mature olive tree about 8 years old, its been in a sheltered position without any winter protection. however this winter has taken...
hi mathew thanks for you replies not sure what kind of eucalyptus as it doesnt belong to me. will try to get better pics though, also i noticed...
hi mathew sorry a bit late posting a reply only just got back to take photos.[ATTACH] thanks rpdiy
hello can anyone advise on problems with a sickly looking eucalyptus tree. the stems are covered in a white film is this normal. thanks...
a few sweet peas should be okay in a pot be sure to make sure they dont dry out . if you want a specific variety you have to go to specialist the...
hi newbiegreen re raised bed i have installed a raised bed and was very impressed with the system. if you google green & easy , they have a...
hi fuvquia as this is a new garden i would start with a small section to grow in and be patient with the rest as only hard work and time will...
:gnthb:hi dols a nice little project i agree with walnut you need to reduce the hedges a bit, this wiil open up the space and let in more light,...
hi everybody i have just potted on some begonia plugs , i seem to recall reading somewhere that you pinch out the growing tip to encourage them...
hi i allways use wilkinsons own brand tomato food and find it very good. I dont know the properties but i feed twice a week and have good...
hi everyone last season i had to cut back a clematis before it had flowered because it had suddenly looked very distressed and was looking the...
hi everyone i am about to plant up a small rockery in shady corner, has anyone any ideas on what i should use to plant. That would survive in...
hi everyone is spring here at long last after a busy weekend cleaning out greenhouse and potting on plants, i feel that spring is in the air...
hi everyone i am clearing out a bed to create a new theme the sight is 10 x 1 metres tapering, with plenty of light, i was...
thanks pete and hans i got this bag from a freind with no intructions, may try a small test area with both methods to see what is most effective ....
hi everyone can anyone tell me the dilution rate to use iron sulphate as a mosskiller on a problem lawn. will probably apply with...
hi bally it seems that you didnt dry your dahlias of enough. i lift on a dry day and when they are dry i line a big container with dry...
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