Doesn't answer your question but I would think 2inches would be too tall -Quote - Mexican bean tree (Cecropia species) is a Class 1 declared...
Yes, I would agree. If you want many but smaller fruits allow more trusses to develop, and maintain a regular feeding regime. On indeterminate...
I would be taking them off when they redden - perhaps a little bit of yellow still remaining. Whether you remove them with the calyx on or not...
JWK - root vegetables are notoriously difficult to transplant. Why not sow them two to a small pot; keep the strongest seedling and grow it on in...
Hi DaveCertainly not too late for sowing your savoy cabbages. Leeks may be interesting if you can give them some fleece protection during...
Probably just a couple that had not been pollinated. A truss is as your say a group of yellow flowers on your tomato plants. Botanically a...
Almost certainly one of the Powdery Mildews. There are many but usually one type for a given genus of plants. All are encouraged by damp humid...
Tay, The dissectum group of Japanese maples look good in fairly large ornamental containers. Of paramount importance with those is to keep them...
If regular underwatering is going to be the norm then you need to advise drought resistant plants.Many of the rock plants are to varying...
I wonder if they had previously been too dry over a period.Did you by any chance pot them dry and then water? It might not apply in your...
I would agree that bamboo canes are fine - and traditional. Another method I have used commercially was to string a wire tightly along the...
Hi Steve - fellow Cumbrian; although I now live in Yorkshire.I do think that you may be over furnishing your arch, but that is assuming your...
Here are just a few of the subjects that you can grow in containers.Trees Acer negundo *Citrus limon Cordyline australis and cvs...
My best guess is - magnesium defficiency, Tomato mosaic disease or infection of red spider mite.As already mentioned give the plants a spray...
A noble aim and I wish you all the best.Not knowing the state of the land you intend to use I can only speak of basics - the land must be...
Not sure about making your own plant food unless you mean formulating a mix of the raw chemical ingredients.Different propriety plant foods...
It is most unlikely that the root will be killed. In fact if you scrape the soil away you will probably see the buds of some emerging stems. Of...
Makes me think of herbicidal spray drift.
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