Thanks. I have this rose ready to plant but it says a north wall is best and this is in full sun. Will that matter. Also do you let them mingle...
I have tried this but the roots are thick and I couldnt even cut them apart with a carving knife.
I have a pot bound variated geen/cream arching phormium. I could re pot it but its already big and I wondered if I could get another plant out of...
I have a large garage wall to cover and I have planted a Wisteria. What will this look like in Winter? Presumably bare. Should I plant Evergreen...
2questions please.1. Do you mow over crocus leaves or leave like daffs for 6 weeks. 2. When can I mow a 8 week old turfed lawn and when can I...
Many thanks. Where do you go to get info on plants. ie a description and how to plant etc. I go on the in ternet but many a time cant find what I...
Sorry I meant Hankerchief Bush
Has anyone seen one. Can you grow it as a 10ft bush? Is it as beautiful as they say?
I bought a Gunni last year which is 20ft tall but sparse. Are you suggesting I lop the top branch when it reaches the height I want .
My crocus leaves are still on the lawn. Are they like daffs and need 6 weeks before cutting as my lawn could do with a trim now really.
I dont know how to go to previous post so what is a light box?
Sorry for interupting but can you put manure on the soil> I thought it was too strong and it went in the compost bin. Would it be good for a...
Thanks I will look at all. Have you seen the umberella plant and can you keep it small.
Many thanks. I loved the geen plant what is it? I tried it next to a choisa sundance but the leaf texture didnt look right. What is this one?
I nned it in shade and sun. All advice welcome
Would this look good next to a Rhoderdendrum.?Does it have to be full sun?Do you prune it hard now? Jean
I have taken 3 bushes called Cornus Alba Sibrica (Dogwood)which are 4 ft high and straggly. On the internet it says it should be pruned 6in from...
Separate names with a comma.