How and why do you do this. My lawn is 9mth turf and it seem to be growing eradically. I have put on summer feed 2 weeks ago and will put on...
Thanks. I would try a camelia except I can on ly find pink ones and the rhod is pink.
Many thanks. Just been out at 00.45 am and caught 30 for the saline bucket. The grapefruit dotted around have done nothing and the beer trap only...
I would like to put a plant in front of Rhod in semi shade prob more shade than sun on North Wall.Ideally evergreen but not nercessary. I have...
I think I have Canker as the bark is splitting from top/bottom about 40% round and getting more severe all the time.. The leaves look healthy but...
Thanks I will send a photo when I learn how to do it. I have managed to get it on digital camera but after that its one big mystery.
I can understand standing on a snail but a slug ?!! No thanks doesnt it go squelchy? The animals I was bothered about was hedgehogs and frogs...
I have a fern with huge leaves about 6yr old. I noticed that it has a grown a trunk underneath the leaves which looks like Dickensian Antarctia?....
Put them in the shade. Water well before you go and ask them to water in the middle of the week if no rain.
Apart from sounding completely bonkers, I want to know how to get rid of slugs if you dont use pellets as Im not sure it wont hurt other animals...
I want to move a laurel and a large fern. Would you do it now or Oct. Are they eassy to move if I take care withg the root ball. Would a 6ft...
I live near in Lancashire. Are there any Rose Gardens worth seeing within a 2 hour drive?
Mamy thanks for your advice. I am going to see if I can persuade a friend to photograph it and put it on site so please watch out for\ it. Last...
I have planted a 15 yr old Gleditzia which looks healthy with plenty of leaf growth. The bak though is splitting down the middle up to 10 ft and...
Do I bend and tie in the shoots downward so it will cover the bottom of the plant.Do I treat it it like Roses, layering it horizontally and...
I have got this right have I? A north facing wall is one in the shade?
I have a Mme. Carriere and a New Dawn that I want to plant in full sun but the info says put on a North Wall. Will it die on a south wall?
Would you do it now or wait until Autumn.
Separate names with a comma.