Who's this Tracy Carpus of whom you speak? Are we back on the fish puns?:huh:
Background, aucuba, fatsia, fargesia, pyracantha, viburnum, sarcococca, olearia, osmanthus, abelia, buddleia globosa, photinia Foreground, danae,...
Well that joke went a bit flat!:whistle:
Don't think they're codling, probably goldfish!:heehee::roflol:
I was going to say pseudosasa japonica
looks just like spurge laurel (daphne laureola) that grows on the chalk around these parts
Yep, triangles, in the corner bits...with four by twos. That'll keep the centre open and the option to add as your grapevine becomes rampant, er,...
Welcome. You'd be surprised how heavy a laden grapevine can be, so I'd make sure you err on the thicker side. 6" x 2" from the house to the edge...
I didn't have any problem doing this when I was in the gardening game, but if you're not confident with a potentially dangerous tool don't do it
With the chainsaw, cut down vertically in a criss cross pattern. eventually you'll whittle away at it and you'll save a couple of bob in hire fees
Those pots are fantastic, they'd look good with real contrasting leaf/flower colour. Ceratostigma willmottianum, vinca minor illumination, one of...
Bleedin' things self seed everywhere! Quite a short lived shrub, quite lax but squeeze the ripe berries and take a sniff. If you don't fancy...
I was going to suggest the old jumpers path as I'm predominately tight fisted with money. OP sounds like they have more money than time, so Wilko...
I've never grown plants from van meuwen, so I can't comment:heehee:
Do you write for the daily mail? I have phyllostachys aurea, bissetti, spectabilis and aureosulcata, in the open ground WITHOUT root barrier. I...
Looks like some sort of tortrix moth. they spin silk normally joining leaves together so they can munch in peace without risk of predation. Open...
It sounds well managed and that is most of the battle. I have multiple clumps of different 'boos in my garden, none of them have a root...
Future reference, I've germinated l. hidcote in coarse sand before, no compost just sand. they turned out to be the most successful lavender I've...
Just need to add two points. Variegated plants tend to be smaller than the species and on the way to the business park where I work, I noticed a...
The tenax types are typically 6-7ft after becoming established, the cookianum types are normally up to 4ft. My purpureum has been in ten years and...
Separate names with a comma.