It's Rosa glauca, AKA Rosa rubrifolia.
It's a Chamaecyparis lawsoniana cultivar, most probably 'Ellwoodii'. The foliage is too'fluffy' for it to be Pembury Blue. It'll get to be about...
It's Robinia pseudoacacia Lace Lady.
It looks a bit like Geranium pyrenaicum, maybe the cultivar Bill Wallis.
Lonicera tatarica, whilst being a honeysuckle, is a shruby one not a climber. It will grow to about 8 feet high and across, but will not climb,...
It's not a japonica type, and may be a periclymenum, however there are many other species that have similar looking leaves and stems to...
No. 1 Sutera (Bacopa) No. 2 Parahebe No. 3 Melissa - lemon balm
Yes, maybe Hebe vernicosa. You can move it if it hasn't been there more than five or six years, alternatively hard prune it in the spring if it is...
I'm about to have a water softener fitted, the outside taps will not be supplied via the softener. The softened water may well have too high a...
The plant in your picture is not a Jasmine, it is a Trachelospermum jasminoides. This evergreen climber normally has dark green glossy leaves, but...
Ram's horn willow, Salix babylonica Crispa.
Guess what ailment it was used to treat?
Carex testacea will be happy with either peat or rotted manure (manure is best) as long as it is well mixed with the soil. It doesn't need acidic...
It looks like Vitis cognetiae climbing up a tree. In the background you can see a tangle of Vitis stems with their tendrils.
It's a Lobelia, probably Lobelia siphilitica.
Not a dogwood, as it has pink flowers, and the stems are too thin. The leaves look like Ceanothus x pallidus Marie Simon, which has pink flowers...
Number 1 could be Smilax aspera, it's a very common climber on the Greek islands.
Not encountered this before, I'd be tempted to complain/mention to where you purchased them. Are the remaining roots alive?
They are ordinary Rhododendrons that are grafted onto Inkarho rootstocks.They are a bit lime tolerant, but not very much. Not really worth it in...
After looking at this loads of times, I saved it to my computer, then enlarged it. Then I could see that it has lumpy red fruits, just like a...
Separate names with a comma.