Also, check out the titles in their 'family manuals' series.
They do a lawnmower manual, covering many popular makes. about �£15 or try the library. [img]
Now that Autumn has arrived, get your buckets out & save some rain, it's such a drudge getting it from a standpipe in the street.This free...
Oh dear. :([img]
Love the crunchy bits. [img]
Offshoots from an established plant can easily be potted on. [img] Problem can be leaving one to get establised. We destroyed a couple this...
Thats the way to enjoy the garden :cool:
Maybe, depends how well made the screen is. Some horizontal timbers top & bottom would make sure. [img]
Looks a bit like a salix I used to grow (Alba Anularis) though yours looks very lush & shiny. :confused: Could be, if it has been grown under...
These historic moments should be noted; I well remember the 7th of July 17 minutes past eight. :rolleyes:
Sounds like some sort of fungal attack, does the bark look different on the unleafy bits?Could be drought if perhaps its environment has...
In discussions, Mrs Tortuosa likes to pursue her case to the full extent of English language. :(
A bitch is a dog, dogs bark, bark's on trees, trees are nature, nature's beautiful. :cool:As my tortuous teenager would say.
Pick 'n' squish
So long as there's enough soil then it'll be no worse than other lawns. ;)
The 'Grand Designs' team were filming a feature at Mick Jaggers sheep farm when one of the flock started to get amorous with the shows presenter;...
If the concrete area currently drains to surrounding ground then it should be fine, so long as you have enough depth of soil. If it drains to a...
Pinching off the flower buds of the young plant may focus its energy on growing, but if the roots are good now then it should be fine with them...
Old, slow release pellets sometimes have fluid just before they completely break down. Slug eggs would have a bit of give in them before they...
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