So what meats would you refuse to try? (assuming that it's presented in an appetising way).
Especially if we had to catch it first.
Yes, it's sold as 'tunnel tape' or 'all weather tape' amonst other things. I think i've seen it in B&Q, it's usually clear with a green tint,...
We, (western, non veggies) often eat bits of cow,pig,sheep & chicken, but but very few other meats. Why; Economics of production? Cultural...
Women are rarely monksNUNS
Dice unwanted cute kittensCURY
Girls enjoy reining menPONY
Lean on the shovelHOLE
Never offer to electrolisePLUK
Have you tried sacrificial planting? You plant a patch of their absolute favourite foods & they're so busy munching this that they don't bother...
Laurels, Hazel, Hornbeam, Beech (retains its leaves if kept as a hedge less than about 10 ft). Larger leaved varieties are best for deadening...
can you hum it for us?
Attitude is the biggest weapon![/QB]Agreed :D
Ah, well, of course I would but, the distance, I'm a bit busy, I have a slight head cold... :rolleyes:
It's not that difficult to dig out stumps this size if you're fit ish; with a grub axe, bar & an attitude (and a spade). ;)
Have you tried the local 'free ads' paper?
A still day with a light drizzle would be ideal (for the Bay if not the gardener) Loads of water on replanting/potting.
Should you tickle piranha ?GGMM
anything showing flower will sell ;)
Also you can get light-weight concrete posts for about the same price as regular ones, less effort & your neighbours will think that you are...
Separate names with a comma.