That is quite a nasty post, Pete. A man who locks up children, belittles women, boasts of grabbing women by the pussy, lies constantly, belittles...
Of course I did not mean “outsiders” are not welcome. I am liberal and open minded and welcome diversity. It just seemed US/Canada trade...
It is a mystery to me why US/Canada trade policies/ agreements or lack of them should be a subject of debate on British gardening forum!Trump...
I picked my first two Tumbling Toms last Thursday, 14 June.
Someone asked on another thread how to place waterlillies in the deep part of a pond. This is how we did it.Well we had quite a job of it!! I...
Well we had quite a job of it!! I was given a large Nymphaea Alba, the native one, by a friend. The root was about the size of a small beachball....
The usual way is to plant the waterlilly in a basket and place pebbles on top of the soil. For large waterlillies a laundry basket works well.
Quick online research confirms that the best pollinators for tomatoes are bumblebees and wind. I have certainly seen bees pollinating greenhouse...
That sounds excessive to me.
That might be funny....but they do need a pollinator. In some parts of the world where there are insufficient insect pollinators, people are...
Not a great idea, I'm sorry to say. You will also stop the pollinating insects getting in; then no tomatos.
I think struts are vertical and Perlins horizontal. Zigs will clarify.:scratch:
Because it's caused by too much wetness which shouldn't happen in a gh. Never had it in over 30 years growing gh tomatos. Only had it outside...
Welcome. I would like to know how to grow that too!!
Pole across the top and up the roof if possible.
I agree......mostly....but they are so prickley!:frown::snorky::SUNsmile::mad:
You are making a good job of it on a low budget! Been there, done that; it's not easy but definately worth the effort......I became a compulsive...
I am surprised you have blight on greenhouse tomatoes.
Agree with the ash ID.
June drop.....all those little ones will fall off.
Separate names with a comma.